Now we are not sure when my brother will be coming. It was supposed to be this weekend. But he got back together with his wife, alhumdulillah, so the trip got postponed to November. and instead of just him, he will be bringing his wife and daughter. I hope they can all fit in one bed and can sleep with the traffic right outside the window. they are from the country after all.
Not much going on. I did get up for Fajr on time, but did not fast today again. I don't know why I can't get myself back in that frame of mind. It's like for Ramadan, you just do it because you have to. But when you have the whole year to make the missed ones up, you get lazy. That is why you should make them up in Shawwal, which is now almost over. I think my own problem is my dependence on caffine.
Besides that, my nose bled horribly this morning right when I got up. Took almost 10 minutes to stop and it was in my throat, now I feel sick in my stomach from swallowing too much blood. Don't know why that happened. And i don't know if a nose bleed would break your fast anyway, especially when you swallow so much blood.
My in-laws got their visas, alhumdulillah. InshaAllah they will be coming in a few weeks. My mother-in-law is dying to see Imad, her only grandchild. My sister-in-law will be having her baby in a few weeks, as well. So Ami is comig for that, too. Plus, my brother-in-law is "supposedly" graduating in December, that's the rumor, anyway. He is secretive and i wouldn't put it past him to wait till the day before and announce, "Oh, by the way, I won't actually graduate till May. Sorry."
Not much going on. I did get up for Fajr on time, but did not fast today again. I don't know why I can't get myself back in that frame of mind. It's like for Ramadan, you just do it because you have to. But when you have the whole year to make the missed ones up, you get lazy. That is why you should make them up in Shawwal, which is now almost over. I think my own problem is my dependence on caffine.
Besides that, my nose bled horribly this morning right when I got up. Took almost 10 minutes to stop and it was in my throat, now I feel sick in my stomach from swallowing too much blood. Don't know why that happened. And i don't know if a nose bleed would break your fast anyway, especially when you swallow so much blood.
My in-laws got their visas, alhumdulillah. InshaAllah they will be coming in a few weeks. My mother-in-law is dying to see Imad, her only grandchild. My sister-in-law will be having her baby in a few weeks, as well. So Ami is comig for that, too. Plus, my brother-in-law is "supposedly" graduating in December, that's the rumor, anyway. He is secretive and i wouldn't put it past him to wait till the day before and announce, "Oh, by the way, I won't actually graduate till May. Sorry."
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