I have been watching way too much TBN lately. the "Jesus Channel", only I shouldn't call it that, because Jesus is not just for Chrisitans, he is important to Muslims, too. Peace be upon him.
Anyway, I admit I do watch those crazy preachers too much. usually just see what they have to say against Islam and just to get my blood boiling. Which is crazy, right? My personal favs (and in this case they would actually be "anti-favs") are John Hagee and Rod Parsley. It used to be Benny Hinn, but he's getting boring these days. Benny Hinn has been peddling some kind of cure all book, which is weird for a faith healer.
Rod Parsley said something the other day, I just had to write it down. He comes on during a break in the show and says something along the lines of "I know these are hard [economic] times..." but he wants everyone to sow and seed of $100, meaning donate money to his ministry. This will change your life, this will rescue not only the nation, but also your own peronal finances. Don't ask how or why, just obey and give. And to those who can, he asks for the "uncommon seed" of $1000. giving his address, of course. And he keeps talking about "your now season." Always about money with these guys. I doubt his minstry needs uncommon seeds from people who can't afford to give, but he comes just short of promising that if they do this, God will pay them back. Money will miraculously fall into their mailboxes.
The other day John Hagee said something that caught my attention. He said that it is alright to fight to protect your home. Well, isn't that what the Palestinians have been doing all this time DER? How can you not see that? You kick them out of their homes just so you can fulfill some Zionistic prophecy, once all the Jews return to Israel Jesus will come back, whatever, and you expect them not to fight back? And when they do, how dare they? WTH, man?
And why is it that these preachers get up there and praise the country, this is the greatest nation in the world, and then turn around and rage about this head line and that news story, the biased media, the poor education system, the corrupted judicial system, crooked politicians, the streets running wild with every sin you can think? Sounds like such a terrible place. And why is it they whine and belly ache about how the government is trying to stifle their religious freedom, but when an atheist or non-Christian speaks up, they have no right to do so? Why is this guy always complaining about how the government is trying to take Christ out of everything but allowing all other religions freedom to express themselves? I have never seen that actually happen. I have never seen a Christian denied time or space to pray at school or the workplace any more or less than any other religion. And why is it that they preach that Christianity is the only source of good in the world, any other religion is the "opposite" of Christianity, anything else is evil, any other religion only teaches it's followers to do evil, Christian morals and values are the only ones that are pure and good?
Okay, take a breath.
Another preacher I sneak around to watch when nothing else is on is Jack Van Impe. He is next to insane, spouting various scriptures, jumping from one book to another, from Old Testament to New Testament, trying to tie them all together, even though they may or may not have anything to do with each other. They certainly are not near each other, it's like he is just randomly flipping thru the bible and running his thumb down the page with his eyes cloesd. He and his bobble head wife are scary and they are trying to scare people. I remember once he predicted that the next pope, after Benedict the ## whatever, is going to be the actual anti-Christ. And he will take the name Peter II, because there has been no other Pope Peter since the disciple Peter. (That's weird.) I had to write that down, along with his doomsday date, but dang it, I lost it, too. Probably December 12, 2012. (Or is it 21?)
So all these preachers got me to thinking. I am gonig to read the bible all the way thru, and take notes. I tore the closet up looking for my King James Version. I have read the bible, not all the way thru, of course, but I do know the bible. But I want to read the boring parts, the Prophet books, stuff that I could never get too deeply into before. I also watch a lot of History channel and some of the shows are about biblical times. Everytime they read a verse, it's like, "My preachers never explained it like that." Most of them had little to no knowledge of the historical eras in the bible. They were all small town country preachers, and to hear them talk you would think Jesus and the disciples were going to the same type of church we were in, with choirs and Sunday School! And the old people where I was from probably believed that, too! Absolutely NO compromise on their version of the bible or Christianity.
I rarely have time to read Qur'an, much less anything else. So I am going to take my time.
Thus ends my sermon for now.
Moved to a new blog!!!
I have created a new blog at Such Is The Life Of This World
Bismillah hir Rahman nir Rahim

October 31, 2008
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