I had intended to fast today but once again I woke up too late. My alarm did not go off this time at all. But the baby woke up a few minutes after Fajr and I had to attend to him, so at least I did not miss the pray. I have been sleeping thru it a lot lately, astaghfurillah. InshaAllah, I will keep trying to fast. I am planning to start fasting every Monday and Thursday, these are the two most favored days to fast.
I had a crying episode last week, Wednesday or thursday. Not sure why, I just broke down and started crying, sitting in the baby's room. He was visibly upset, he always gets upset when he sees me upset. but this time, instead of crying, he crawled up into my lap and gave me a big hug, with arms and legs. Of course, this just made me cry more. We sat there for a long time until he feel asleep. He is only 13 months, but he already knows how to cheer me up. Since then I have not felt as depressed, mashAllah, much better now.
We did go to Jumah together on Friday. My husband left for his lunch break but the traffic between where he works and the masjid is terrible on Fridays. We made it right on time but it took longer than an hour. His manager was very nice about letting him go for prayers and did not give him any grief about being gone too long, but he doesn't want them to think he is taking advantage of their kindness, they may get tired of it later on. So we may have to change our route or go to a different masjid. It was not the same on I went to by myself last week. This one had the smallest woman's section I have ever seen, including Little Rock and Jonesboro, Arkansas. But alhumdulillah I was glad to go as a family. Imad didn't start his usally fussiness until the prayer, and this time he played with his truck so he wasn't as bad as usual.
I am "stuck" on my diet. No gain no loss. Well, I was down 3 or 4 pounds once but they came back by the end of the day. And one day I was up a pound but it was "absorbed" the next day. I need to get more strict if I am going to allow myself to eat a little bit of everything instead of depriving myself of carbs, which has worked for me in the past.
Alhumdulillah I hve been wearing my abaya for the past week. My husband has not given me any grief about it. His parents are coming next month inshaAllah and when his mom asked what size I was so she could bring me some new shalwar qameez (Pakistani dresses) he told her to bring me a new abaya instead. Alhumdulillah.
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