One thing I have learned is that it is really difficult to keep up with a daily blog with an 11 month old. He is crawling and into everything so I can't very well just sit and think while he is over there discovering light sockets. Right now he is sitting at his "desk." One of the best things we got for this kid is that Exersaucer. For some reason pediatricians are against walkers, but since we moved to this new place with all tile floors we might get him one anyway. It's hard to watch your baby scampering across the cold, hard floor, but he doesn't seem to mind.
I gave him some fruit in one of those netted pacificers. So he can get the taste without choking and hopefully (though I doubt it) with less mess. Basically he is just sucking the juices out of it, once he got past the shocking sour taste of the pineapple.
This Caylee Anthony case is hard for me to watch. I just do not understand how you can do that. Not just "assumably" kill your kid, or give away your kid, or chloraform your kid, or stuff your dead kid in the trunk. But how can you be so cold about it, have nothing to say about it? Does she think if she just pleads the fifth it will all just go away?
Imad, my son, is my life. I know they say she did not even want her daughter and her mom talked her into keeping her. That poor baby, what kind of life was that, being raised by a woman who doesn't really want her? I remember all those years I tried to have a baby, all those silly Pakistani women constantly asking "When are you going to have a baby?", and suffering through three miscarriages while they asked, I remember, alhumdulillah, finally pregnant and getting through the first trimester, and then the severe swelling, high blood pressure, diabetes, insulin shots, restricted diet, toxemia, emergency C-section, and I would do it all again to have this little guy, subhanaAllah. And this woman couldn't bother to report her kid missing.
Maybe she wasn't missing because maybe she knew where her baby's body was, is, all along.
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