Today is 9/11. I always get sad on 9/11. After all these years I still get shocked when I see those images, can't believe it really happened. I am not one of those who thinks it was a Jewish conspiracy. I think it's stupid to believe that 1000s+ Jews didn't show up for work that day, get real. When they read off the names of those who died, there are plenty of Jewish names, and Jews in the US are not so "united" that they would all come up with something so horrible. The fartherest out on the limb I am willing to go is to say possibly the government knew something was about to happen, (how could such a huge understaking slip past them?), and possibly it was allowed to happen, to give them a reason to go to war, so the country would hate Muslims in general, I don't know. I don't know about all that "people came in a week before and placed bombs to go off at the same time the planes hit" theory, or the "jet fuel is not hot enough to melt the beams" theory. Plain and simple, you fly an airliner into a building, it's going to fall. It's all but obvious who did it. They claim to be Muslim, but they obviously do not follow the Islam that I choose to follow. They are crazy, brainwashed, opportunistic, STUPID STUPID STUPID people who have given Islam a bad image. there are so many ignorant Muslims out there. I am sorry but it is true.
Get off this now, it's Ramadhan, time for happy thoughts. But I have not been too happy the past few days. For one thing the baby has been fussing and whining more than usual this week and I am about at the end of my rope. And why do men think that women are all too happy to put up with fussy kids or better at it then they are, just because we are the mother? Why don't they get it into their thick skulls that when they know their wife is obviously upset and having a hard time, they should stay and help her thru it, a little thing called SUPPORT, instead of going out every night to meet their friends, leaving her home alone AGAIN. Just reminding her that she is trapped forever in the house with a whiney kid and he is free to come and go as he pleases, making her depression even worse. Why doesn't he care that he is breaking her heart everytime he leaves her to fend for herself? He is the only person she sees all day and he obviously doesn't care to spend anytime with her, prefers to see his friends.
Moved to a new blog!!!
I have created a new blog at Such Is The Life Of This World
Bismillah hir Rahman nir Rahim

September 11, 2008
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1 comment:
thought you said serving your husband was charity, I guess we can see why that book of yours is wrong!
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